Tuesdays - Friday 10 am - 4 pm
Driving Directions:
Located at 630 Belanger St., which is between Barrow St and Roussel St, behind the Main St. Whitney Bank.; 2nd building behind the Barrow St. Scarlet Scoop Ice Cream Parlor.
Terrebonne Fine Arts Guild is a non-profit organization whose members promote art and art culture in the parish through its support of the Downtown Art Gallery 630, through workshops, festivals and art shows. We sponsor a regional art competition for photography in the fall and a fine arts competition in the spring. We provide free art classes for children in art in all mediums in the month of January each year and a summer art camp to encourage art education for the youth of our parish. The winners of our annual School Art Show which is open to all students of Terrebonne Parish, receive free lessons in our Summer Art Camp program. We sponsor the Art After Dark art walk every September which showcases regional artist and craftsmen and we give workshops to help our members and invited artist to increase their knowledge of the arts. TFAG helps other organizations through donations of art work done by our members for their fund raisers or through personal item collections for the Blue Star Mothers Organization or can goods drives for the Food Banks. Our Downtown Art Gallery 630 has no paid employees. All work is done by members who volunteer their time, talents and skills to keep our doors open to the public and our programs operating at a successful level. Many of our members are retired and several are over the age of 80 and it is a joy to see our older members still active and productive. We open our doors to tour buses of tourists from around the country and act as ambassadors for our parish and our Cajun culture. We are more than a place to sell art work!